
The National Institutes of Health has announced $46 million in research awards for the Human Placenta Project, an initiative to revolutionize understanding of the placenta. The awards will fund technology development and testing to assess placental function throughout pregnancy, with the ultimate goal of improving pregnancy outcomes and lifelong health.
Many problems of pregnancy — such as preeclampsia, preterm birth, and even stillbirth — can occur because of problems with the placenta. If researchers can develop tools to monitor the placenta from the earliest stages of pregnancy, physicians may one day be able to identify problems sooner and intervene more quickly.
NIH has funded 19 projects, totaling approximately $46 million in this fiscal year. The awards will support development of safe, noninvasive methods to monitor the placenta in real time, throughout all stages of pregnancy. The funds also will support research on environmental factors that may affect placental function.

The awardees are:

  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Health System, New York City
    Dr. Zev Williams (1R01HD086327-01)
  • Children’s Hospital Corporation, Boston
    Dr. Patricia Ellen Grant (1U01HD087211-01)
  • Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk
    Dr. Alfred Z. Abuhamad (1R01HD086313-01)
  • Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey
    Dr. Stacy Zamudio (1U01HD087209-01)
  • The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
    Dr. John G. Sled (1U01HD087177-01)
  • King’s College London
    Dr. Mary Rutherford (1U01HD087202-01)
  • Magee-Womens Research Institute and Foundation, Pittsburgh
    Dr. Yoel Sadovsky (1R01HD086325-01)
  • Oregon Health and Science University, Portland
    Dr. Antonio E. Frias (1R01HD086331-01; 1U01HD087182-01)
  • Stanford University, Stanford, California
    Dr. Jeremy Dahl (1R01HD086252-01)
    Dr. Virginia D. Winn (1R21HD086253-01)
  • University of California, Los Angeles
    Dr. Sherin U. Devaskar (1U01HD087221-01)
  • University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
    Dr. Nadav Schwartz (1U01HD087180-01)
  • University of South Florida, Tampa
    Dr. Anthony O. Odibo (1U01HD087213-01)
  • University of Western Ontario, London
    Dr. Charles A. McKenzie (1U01HD087181-01)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Dr. Dinesh Manilal Shah (1U01HD087216-01)
  • Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond
    Dr. Charles E. Chalfant (1U01HD087198-01)
  • Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
    Dr. Liliya M. Yamaleyeva (1R21HD086357-01)
  • Washington University in St. Louis
    Dr. Joel Richard Garbow (1R01HD086323-01)


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